Thursday, July 2, 2009

So, this is what blogging feels like...

I am horrible at introductions, but you can tell a lot about a person by asking them what they like. So, here are the things that make me tick. If you like what you read, keep coming back for more. If you don't like what you read...keep coming back for more...things just may get better. In my life, I have nine things I couldn't live without. Each of these will get their own post in due course.
  • My iPod. It is my life. Seriously. I think of the days when I used to carry around my huge case of CDs and my gaudy CD player and shudder. I bought a new Classic in December after my old 4g iPod died. It was one of the saddest days of my life. I still have it. I still cry sometimes. Most days though, I am able to put on a brave face and make it through.
  • My Cell Phone. Right now I have an LG Rumor. It pretty much sucks. I had a Razr for 3.8 seconds and exchanged it for the Rumor. While I have made stupid mistakes in my life, that one is right up there with turning left in front of a Ford Expedition. Ouch. That's a whole other blog right there.
  • My laptop. I just got it. It's a pink Dell. It reeks of awesomeness.
  • Books. I am an avid reader. I teach 7th Grade English so I am pretty sure that loving to read is a prerequisite. At any given time I have 3 or 4 going. I also use my iPod to listen to books.
  • Coffee. In my world, coffee is liquid gold. I love it. I need it, and if I don't get it, it sucks to be you if you have to spend any amount of time with me.
  • Scrapbooking. I love to travel and it is so much fun to basically re-live a vacation through scrapbooking. It is nothing for me to spend ten hours at my local LSS (Local Scrapbooking Store), Pages in Time scrapping all of my adventures. It is a great way to get away from everything. You see, when you crop, you have to think only about what you are doing. It's the perfect getaway.
  • Makeup. I am in no way, shape or form a beauty queen, but there is something about the pretty colors that come in pretty packages that make me want to grab it all up. My weaknesses are eye-makeup and lip gloss. As a general rule I don't like foundation or lipstick - I don't like how they feel, so I stick with powder and a plethora of gloss. In the past year I have discovered high-end make-up and my bank account has been sobbing quite loudly ever since. MAC is my crack. Cover Girl was my gateway drug.
  • Cooking. I am a foodie. I love food. I love to cook. I love to eat. Cooking is not something I get to do nearly enough. When I do, I try to find classic recipes; recipes that everyone likes. Recently I cooked eleven meals for my best friend so she would have quick and easy meals for her family once she had her baby. Man, I had a blast. I made the menu, handed her a shopping list and got to work. The best part? She did the dishes.
  • I saved the best for last. I wouldn't be who I am today without my awesome network of friends and family. It is so important to me to know that I am surrounded by amazing people who love me and accept me for who I am. People who, even if I royally screw up, are still there for me when it counts.
I am leaving for Washington, D.C. on Sunday so I will have pictures when I get back! Talk to ya soon!
